ADEO Imaging OÜ
The cloud spirit...
OpenVPN Internet Access Server

Usage instructions for Microsoft Azure users:

Launch the server. This server does not require the powerful computing resources - you can choose a simple instance type. After launching, this server is immediately fully operational. No server setup required.

To create a VPN connection, you will also need to install the OpenVPN client application on the client side. The OpenVPN client will require a configuration file (.ovpn), containing certificates. Such configuration files are automatically generated at the first start of this server and can be downloaded from the server:
http://ipaddress/config/ovpn-download.php or
https://ipaddress:8443/config/ovpn-download.php (recommended)
(Use "config" as username and last 12 characters of your Virutal Machine ID (VmId) as password to download these files with web browser. Click here to see how to find the password on your Azure panel. Additionally, your can find the password on a Linux welcome screen with help of SSH).

Configuration files containing certificates are the same for all users. The certificates are automatically generated when the instance is first started. In addition to the mandatory configuration file (.ovpn), each user must have a username and password to establish the OpenVPN connection.

User logins and passwords are stored in the database on the server, and users records can be managed with help of user management control panel:
http://ipaddress/daloradius/ or
https://ipaddress:8443/daloradius/ (recommended)
(Use "admin" as username and last 12 characters of your Virtual Machine ID (VmId) as password. Click here to see how to find the password on your Azure panel. Additionally, your can find your credentials on a Linux welcome screen with help of SSH).
More datailed Web Panel description:

In addition to the web control panel, you can also find the user credentials to access the OpenVPN service in the following ways:
- on linux welcome page (SSH, linux username: admin);
- via remote MySQL request (port 3306, username: remote, password: last 12 characters of your Virtal Machine ID (VmId), database: radius, table: radcheck - list of users, table: radusergroup - access status for users Enabled/Disabled). The database is readable and writable via 3306 port.

OpenVPN ports: 443 - for TCP connection; 1194 - for UDP connection

If necessary, phpMyAdmin (webinterface for database management) is available at:
http://ipaddress/phpmyadmin/ or
https://ipaddress:8443/phpmyadmin/ (recommended)
default username for phpMyAdmin: administrator
initial password: last 12 characters of your Virtual Machine ID (VmId)
By default, access to phpMyAdmin is denied in file "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/.htaccess"

when using the HTTPS protocol in a web browser to access the Web Panel and phpMyadmin, the browser will warn about the risk and you can accept it, since our task is to encrypt the traffic and not to doubt the authenticity of the certificate.

Linux username: azureuser

Try this server on MS Azure !